Author(s): Brent Skura, Eunice Li-Chan, Andrea Liceaga, Azita Madadi-Noei, Judy Chan
Students are introduced to chemical and physical properties of foods; issues pertaining to safety; nutritive value and consumer acceptability of food, food quality and additives; food preservation techniques and transformation of agricultural commodities into food products; foods of the future.
This course is required in the Food, Nutrition and Health Program and will also be of value to students in other programs in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems, or in other disciplines including those in the life sciences, health care professions, human kinetics or physical education, who wish to enhance their understanding of the science of food.
Item Type:
Course/Course Modules
Subject Area:
Science and Technology
Faculty of Land and Food Systems
License Type:
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Undergraduate Lower Division
Technical Format:
- Website/HTML/XHTML
Development Location:
Course Adoptions:
FNH 200 – Exploring Our Food
Author Supplied-Keywords:
Food Systems, Properties of Food, Nutritive Values, Food Safety, Additives, Preservation, Agriculture