Author(s): Suzanne Hetzel Campbell, Claudia Krebs, Marianne Brophy, Kim Campbell, Simone Gruenig, Melanie Willson, Flaviana Vieira, Nicole Bernardes, Janet Currie, Thayanthini Tharmaratnam, Carrie Miller, Olivia May Holuszko, Paige Blumer, & Monika Fejtek. (2020).
This resource provides foundational knowledge for healthcare professionals related to the physiology of lactation.
Item Type:
Workshop/Training Materials
Subject Area:
Health and Medicine
- Faculty of Health and Social Development
- Medicine, Faculty of
- Nursing, School of
- Centre for Teaching and Learning Technology
License Type:
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Undergraduate Upper Division
Technical Format:
Development Location:
Related Resources:
- Campbell, S. H., Krebs, C., Brophy, M., Campbell, K., Tharmaratnam, T., Willson, M., Bernardes, N., Revai, T., Lindokken, E., Blumer, P. & Fejtek, M. (2021a). Lactation 1: Prenatal Anticipatory Guidance, Open Educational Resource.
- Campbell, S. H., Krebs, C., Brophy, M., Campbell, K., Tharmaratnam, T., Willson, M., Bernardes, N., Revai, T., Alpen, G., Blumer, P. & Fejtek, M. (2021b). Lactation 2: Cesarean Section in Hospital, Open Educational Resource.
- Campbell, S. H., Krebs, C., Brophy, M., Campbell, K., Tharmaratnam, T., Willson, M., Bernardes, N., Revai, T., Lo, B., Blumer, P. & Fejtek, M. (2021c). Lactation 3: Effective Breastfeeding, Open Educational Resource.
- Campbell, S. H., Krebs, C., Brophy, M., Campbell, K., Willson, M., Bernardes, N., Tharmaratnam, T., Revai, T., Ushock, L., Blumer, P. & Fejtek, M. (2021d). Lactation 4: Insufficient milk supply, Open Educational Resource.
Ancillary Resources: Lactation Tab, pre-post-test prior to modules. All five modules listed. Follow up survey to provide the developers with feedback.
Funding Affiliation:
Author Supplied-Keywords:
lactation, physiology, parent-infant dyad, nursing, midwifery, healthcare, parents, breasatfeeding, human milk
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