Undergraduate Lower Division

Inorganic Chemistry for Chemical Engineers

Author(s): Vishakha Monga, Paul Flowers, Klaus Theopold, William R. Robinson, and Richard Langle

Description: The main objective of this book is to introduce students to the basic principles of inorganic chemistry and link them with current applications relevant to a chemical engineer.

Foundations of Chemical and Biological Engineering I

Jonathan Verrett, Rosie Qiao, and Rana A

Description:This text for chemical and biological engineering contains such topics as carbon capture from power plant emissions and ammonia production for use in fertilizers.

Introduction to Latin American Studies

Author(s):Jon Beasley-Murray

Description:LAST100, “Introduction to Latin American Studies” provides an overview of the culture and society of Latin America from ancient to contemporary times, and from Argentina to Mexico.

CLP-1 Differential Calculus

Author(s): Joel Feldman, Andrew Rechnitzer and Elyse Yeager

Description:This textbook covers single variable differential calculus. It also includes an additional problem book that contains a curated collection of problems which are relevant to most Calculus-I courses.

Spectacles in the Roman World

Author(s):Siobhán McElduff

Description:This is a collection of primary sources on Roman games and spectacles in their various forms, created for CLST 260