Biochemistry within Nitrogen and Carbon Cycling Figures
Author(s): Lindsay Rogers
Description: A collection of open figures for visualizing electron transport chains functioning within the global nitrogen cycle and the global carbon cycle.
Sex and Migration in the Transpacific Underground
Author(s): Ayaka Yoshimizu and Saeko Suzuki
Description:Sex and Migration in the Transpacific Underground is an open educational resource that engages transpacific histories of interracial sex, intimate labour, and migration—that is, the undercurrent of imperial expansion and settler colonialism in the pacific region throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.
Animated Accounting
Author(s): Dr. Rajesh Vijayaraghavan, Dr. Sunah Cho, et al.
Description:These resources aims to improve students’ conceptual understanding of fundamental accounting principles while also developing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Data Science for Kinesiology
Author(s): Hyosub Kim
Description:This open textbook is aimed primarily at students and researchers in Kinesiology who want to learn how to work with and make sense of data using Python.
Chapman Learning Commons
Author(s): Chapman Learning Commons, UBC Library
Description:The Learning Commons website is an evolving collection of student-curated learning resources to support academic success and wellness.
3D Anatomical Specimen Collection
Author(s):Claudia Krebs, Monika Fejtek
Description:A collection of over 100 3D anatomical specimens and models, created using a novel student-developed process that combines photogrammetry and laser scanning. These are fully interactive 3D models with optional labels.
Digital Tattoo Project
Author(s):UBC Library, IKBLC, CLTC, Institute of Communication, Culture, Information, and Technology (ICCIT)
Description:The goal of the Digital Tattoo project is to raise questions, provide examples and links to resources to encourage you to think about your presence online, navigate the issues involved in forming and re-forming your digital identity and learn about your rights and responsibilities as a digital citizen.
NERDCAT: A Clinician’s Guide to Appraising
Author(s): Ricky Turgeon, Blair Macdonald
Description:NERDCAT was designed to help clinicians make sense of clinical research and has two core components: (1) The NERDCAT appraisal checklists, which facilitate the systematic appraisal of clinical studies; and (2) detailed guidance on how to address the NERDCAT appraisal checklist questions, along with rationales, supporting empiric evidence where available, and examples.
Soil Web 200
Author(s):Krzic, M., K. Wiseman, L. Dampier, S. Grand, J. Wilson and D. Gaumont-Guay
Description:SoilWeb200 provides students with online, interactive, graphical, video and text-based information to assist them in understanding fundamental soil science concepts. It also relates these concepts to various soil management issues. SoilWeb200 is used to support the lecture and lab-based teaching methods in the APBI 200 – Introduction to Soil Science course.
Bryan Gick, Kathleen Currie Hall, Hotze Rullmann, Martina Wiltschko, Strang Burton, and many additional UBC language instructors.
Description:Through the practical use of novel ultrasound visual technology, these resources enable Speech Science and Linguistics students to become better speech therapists, vocal trainers, language teachers, and communicators.
Digital Himalaya Project
Author(s):Mark Turin, Alan Macfarlane
Description: The Digital Himalaya project preserves in a digital medium archival anthropological materials from the Himalayan region that are quickly degenerating in their current forms, including films in various formats, still photographs, sound recordings, field notes, maps and rare journals.
eNunciate Pronunciation Resource
Author(s): UBC Department of Linguistics, UBC Deparment of Asian Studies
Description:The eNunciate site is an openly licensed resource that developed that was born out of the collaboration of the Department of Linguistics and the Department of Asian Studies, so that the former could apply the ultrasound technology to test biovisual feedback (Gick, et al. 2008) in the context of the second language learning, and the latter could provide students with video materials to help them to improve their pronunciation outside the class.
MATH 105 Probability Module
Author(s): UBC Department of Mathematics
Description: A set of open resources, which focus specifically on probability, for students in MATH 105 at UBC. The content on the MATH 105 Probability Module has been released into the public domain.
Author(s): Tara Ivanochko, David Cassis, Jade Shiller, Benjamin Moore-Maley, Jongmun Kim, Sam Huang, Aden Sheikh, Gladys Oka
Description: Phyto’pedia is an online encyclopaedia of common phytoplankton from the coast of British Columbia, Canada. Inside, the reader will find an extensive database of high-resolution images indicating the characteristic features of a variety of genera and species paired with carefully written descriptions.
Multilingual Forestry Dictionary
Author(s): UBC Faculty of Forestry
Description: An open, online, multilingual forestry dictionary that students can grow and refine. The dictionary caters to the diversity of languages in our UBC Faculty of Forestry and provide a BC forestry context to key terms and their definitions. This dictionary is a tool for international students as they transition to UBC, making it easier to learn and thrive.
Scarfe Digital Sandbox
Author(s): Wendy Carr, Joanne Naslund and Yvonne Dawydiak
Description:The Scarfe Digital Sandbox is a virtual space for teacher candidates and faculty to explore technology integration. The openly licensed resources contains educational technology guides that highlight what the technology is, why it is relevant, and how to get started.
Analytics@Sauder Open Learning Resources
Author(s): Gene Moo Lee, Steven Shechter, Martha Essak, Chunhua Wu, Sunah Cho,
Elisabeth Chin, Zhen Mu, Rob Peregoodoff
UBC Business Analytics Open Learning Resource is a collection of open-source business analytics tools and resources to enhance data analysis and meta-skills for business analytics professionals of all skill levels — including students in UBC Sauder School of Business Master of Business Analytics, Master of Business Administration, Bachelor of Commerce, and Master of Management programs.
Introduction to Latin American Studies
Author(s):Jon Beasley-Murray
Description:LAST100, “Introduction to Latin American Studies” provides an overview of the culture and society of Latin America from ancient to contemporary times, and from Argentina to Mexico.