Fundamentals of Cell Biology
Author(s):Lauren Dalton and Robin Young, Heather Ng-Cornish (Illustrator)
Description:This textbook is focused specifically on the principles and concepts of a foundational Cell Biology course. The book takes a more conceptual approach that highlights how scientists study cells, and how to analyze and interpret experimental results.
Data Science: A First Introduction (Python Version)
Author(s):Tiffany Timbers, Trevor Campbell, Melissa Lee, Joel Ostblom, and Lindsey Heagy
Description: This textbook provides an approachable introduction to the world of data science. In this book, you will learn how to identify common problems in data science and solve them with reproducible and auditable workflows using the Python programming language.
Understanding community-university knowledge exchange: A Case Study of the Making Research Accessible Initiative (MRAi)
Author(s):Mandy Choie, Heather O’Brien, Luanne Sinnamon, Nick Ubels
Description:This Open Education Resource focuses on the Downtown Eastside Research Access Portal as a case study for learning about community-university knowledge exchange.
Data Science: A First Introduction (R Version)
Author(s):Tiffany Timbers, Trevor Campbell, and Melissa Lee
Description: This textbook provides an approachable introduction to the world of data science. In this book, you will learn how to identify common problems in data science and solve them with reproducible and auditable workflows using the R programming language.
Integral Calculus with Applications to Life Sciences Exercise Book
Author(s): Paul Tsopméné
Description:This exercise book contains a wide variety of problems in integral calculus, linear algebra, and linear regression, with applications to differential equations, probability, and life sciences. Every problem has a very detailed solution, and the book is self-contained, as the summary for every concept is provided. The main goal of the book is to help students learn the material more efficiently and get better results.
Understanding Wildfires: A Case Study for British Columbia
Author(s):Raluca Radu, Aubree A. McAtee
Description:This case study explores the ways in which wildfire events impact individual health and livelihood from a micro, meso, and macro level. The case study walks the learner through an introduction to how climate change further exacerbates wildfire occurrence, alongside the myriad health impacts that stem from wildfire smoke exposure.
Matrix Algebra Exercise Book
Author(s): Paul Tsopméné
Description:The main goal of this exercise book is to help students learn the material more efficiently and get better results. The book contains problems with very detailed solutions, and it is self-contained, as the summary for every concept is provided.
Calculus II for Management and Economics Exercise Book
Author(s): Paul Tsopméné
Description:The main goal of this exercise book is to help students learn the material more efficiently and get better results. The book contains problems with very detailed solutions, and it is self-contained, as the summary for every concept is provided.
Calculus I for Management and Economics Exercise Book
Author(s): Paul Tsopméné
Description:The main goal of this exercise book is to help students learn the material more efficiently and get better results. The book contains problems with very detailed solutions, and it is self-contained, as the summary for every concept is provided.
Chapman Learning Commons
Author(s): Chapman Learning Commons, UBC Library
Description:The Learning Commons website is an evolving collection of student-curated learning resources to support academic success and wellness.
3D Anatomical Specimen Collection
Author(s):Claudia Krebs, Monika Fejtek
Description:A collection of over 100 3D anatomical specimens and models, created using a novel student-developed process that combines photogrammetry and laser scanning. These are fully interactive 3D models with optional labels.
Digital Tattoo Project
Author(s):UBC Library, IKBLC, CLTC, Institute of Communication, Culture, Information, and Technology (ICCIT)
Description:The goal of the Digital Tattoo project is to raise questions, provide examples and links to resources to encourage you to think about your presence online, navigate the issues involved in forming and re-forming your digital identity and learn about your rights and responsibilities as a digital citizen.
Writing Place: A Scholarly Writing Textbook
Author(s): Lindsay Cuff
Description:An accessible and inclusive scholarly writing textbook that empowers students to contribute to scholarly conversations in their disciplines and asks them to consider how their contributions can be shared with the communities beyond the university. Examples are specific to Land & Food Systems and Forestry.
Practicing and Presenting Social Research
Author(s): Oral Robinson, Alexander Wilson
Description:This open-access textbook is for those who want to write exemplary social research. It provides an extensive outline of each step of the research process: outlining practical tools for conceptualizing its beginnings, generating proposals, getting ethics approval, relaxing from the stresses of research, writing academically, conducting a literature review, drafting a methods section, collecting the right data, formulating the findings, and sharing the results.
Decolonizing the Engineering Curriculum
Author(s): Pamela Wolf, Alex Gonzalez, Curtis Rattray, Debalina Saha, James Shaw, Nika Martinussen, Ben Harris
Description: Decolonizing the Engineering Curriculum is a set of adaptable resources developed to enable Engineering faculty to include Indigenous reconciliation in engineering courses.
Introduction to Engineering Thermodynamics
Author(s): Claire Yu Yan
Description:This open book is written with a goal to support students’ learning of fundamental concepts and engineering applications of classical thermodynamics. It features concise explanations of key concepts, step-by-step solutions to engineering examples, and interactive practice problems. The book is most suitable for a one-term, introductory engineering thermodynamics course at the undergraduate level. It may also be used as self-learning materials or a supplement to other thermodynamics books.
Statistics Labs for Psychology
Author(s): Zakary A. Draper
Description: This lab manual is intended as a resource for gaining experience (1) conducting statistical tests in R, (2) reporting results in APA style, and (3) interpreting those results in the context of a given study.
Mythoi Koinoi – An Open Access Anthology of Greek and Roman Myth
Author(s):Kate Minniti, Tara Mulder, Pippa Rogak, Luoyao Zhang
Description:Mythoi Koinoi: An Online, Open-Access Anthology of Greek and Roman Myth provides undergraduate university students with free, easy access to primary source texts and images for Greek and Roman mythology. Mythoi Koinoi means “Mythology for the People” in Ancient Greek, and it is intended to give everyone who engages with it access to the writings and artistic creations of the ancient Greeks and Romans.