Biochemistry within Nitrogen and Carbon Cycling Figures
Author(s): Lindsay Rogers
Description: A collection of open figures for visualizing electron transport chains functioning within the global nitrogen cycle and the global carbon cycle.
Sex and Migration in the Transpacific Underground
Author(s): Ayaka Yoshimizu and Saeko Suzuki
Description:Sex and Migration in the Transpacific Underground is an open educational resource that engages transpacific histories of interracial sex, intimate labour, and migration—that is, the undercurrent of imperial expansion and settler colonialism in the pacific region throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.
Data Science for Kinesiology
Author(s): Hyosub Kim
Description:This open textbook is aimed primarily at students and researchers in Kinesiology who want to learn how to work with and make sense of data using Python.
Pathology: From the Tissue Level to Clinical Manifestations and Inter-professional Care Pathology:
Author(s):Jennifer Kong, Helen Dyck
Description:This multimedia resource provides the science behind the disease that a health care professional is managing and an explanation of the signs and symptoms a patient is experiencing, starting at the tissue level.
Undergraduate – Introductory Chemistry Flipped Classroom Modules
Author(s):Riley Petillion, W. Stephen McNeil, Tamara Freeman
Description:This learning activity is designed to be used in a large introductory chemistry course, as part of a larger module of learning activities that includes prior viewing of an interactive instructional video.
Undergraduate – Introductory Chemistry Guided Inquiry Activities
Author(s):Riley Petillion, W. Stephen McNeil, Tamara Freeman
Description:This guided inquiry learning activity is designed to be used in a large introductory chemistry course.
Undergraduate – Introductory Chemistry Context Study Activities
Author(s): Riley Petillion, W. Stephen McNeil, Tamara Freeman
Description:This learning activity is designed to be used in a large introductory chemistry course, as part of a larger module of learning activities that include a prior reading of a short background information document.
3D Anatomical Specimen Collection
Author(s):Claudia Krebs, Monika Fejtek
Description:A collection of over 100 3D anatomical specimens and models, created using a novel student-developed process that combines photogrammetry and laser scanning. These are fully interactive 3D models with optional labels.
Clinical Anatomy
Author(s): Suzanne Hetzel Campbell, Claudia Krebs, Marianne Brophy, Kim Campbell, Simone Gruenig, Melanie Willson, Flaviana Vieira, Nicole Bernardes, Janet Currie, Thayanthini Tharmaratnam, Carrie Miller, Olivia May Holuszko, Paige Blumer, & Monika Fejtek. (2020).
Description:This resource provides foundational knowledge for healthcare professionals related to the physiology of lactation.
Digital Tattoo Project
Author(s):UBC Library, IKBLC, CLTC, Institute of Communication, Culture, Information, and Technology (ICCIT)
Description:The goal of the Digital Tattoo project is to raise questions, provide examples and links to resources to encourage you to think about your presence online, navigate the issues involved in forming and re-forming your digital identity and learn about your rights and responsibilities as a digital citizen.
Tort Law
Author(s): Samuel Beswick
Description: The law of obligations concerns the legal rights and duties owed between people. Three primary categories make up the common law of obligations: tort, contract, and unjust enrichment. This casebook provides an introduction to tort law: the law that recognises and responds to civil wrongdoing.
Bryan Gick, Kathleen Currie Hall, Hotze Rullmann, Martina Wiltschko, Strang Burton, and many additional UBC language instructors.
Description:Through the practical use of novel ultrasound visual technology, these resources enable Speech Science and Linguistics students to become better speech therapists, vocal trainers, language teachers, and communicators.
Principles of Social Psychology – 1st International Edition
Author(s):Charles Stangor, Rajiv Jhangiani, Hammond Tarry, Benjamin Cheung
Description:This is an adaptation by Benjamin Cheung of Principles of Social Psychology-1st International Edition for UBC Psych 308A.
Exploring Climate Change and Mental Health
Author(s):Natania Abebe
Description:This toolkit is designed for use by educators to empower students to think critically about the structural and socio-political inequities that affect them while centering climate change and mental health through embedded reflective exercises.
Writing Place: A Scholarly Writing Textbook
Author(s): Lindsay Cuff
Description:An accessible and inclusive scholarly writing textbook that empowers students to contribute to scholarly conversations in their disciplines and asks them to consider how their contributions can be shared with the communities beyond the university. Examples are specific to Land & Food Systems and Forestry.
Practicing and Presenting Social Research
Author(s): Oral Robinson, Alexander Wilson
Description:This open-access textbook is for those who want to write exemplary social research. It provides an extensive outline of each step of the research process: outlining practical tools for conceptualizing its beginnings, generating proposals, getting ethics approval, relaxing from the stresses of research, writing academically, conducting a literature review, drafting a methods section, collecting the right data, formulating the findings, and sharing the results.
Introduction to Engineering Thermodynamics
Author(s): Claire Yu Yan
Description:This open book is written with a goal to support students’ learning of fundamental concepts and engineering applications of classical thermodynamics. It features concise explanations of key concepts, step-by-step solutions to engineering examples, and interactive practice problems. The book is most suitable for a one-term, introductory engineering thermodynamics course at the undergraduate level. It may also be used as self-learning materials or a supplement to other thermodynamics books.
Statistics Labs for Psychology
Author(s): Zakary A. Draper
Description: This lab manual is intended as a resource for gaining experience (1) conducting statistical tests in R, (2) reporting results in APA style, and (3) interpreting those results in the context of a given study.
RMST 202: Literatures and Cultures of the Romance World II, Modern to Postmodern
Author(s): Jon Beasly-Murray
Description: In this course, we read literary texts, mostly novels, originally written in French, Spanish, Portuguese, or Italian during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The site comes with lectures for each text (as well as an introductory and concluding lecture) in video format, uploaded to YouTube; written transcripts are also provided. There are also conversation videos (also uploaded to YouTube) with other experts in the field. In addition there are many additional resources, not the least of which are the contributions of students, who post weekly responses to the reading. All this is organized both in terms of the authors covered and via a tag cloud of major concepts.
Physiology of Lactation
Author(s): Suzanne Hetzel Campbell, Claudia Krebs, Marianne Brophy, Kim Campbell, Simone Gruenig, Melanie Willson, Flaviana Vieira, Nicole Bernardes, Janet Currie, Thayanthini Tharmaratnam, Carrie Miller, Olivia May Holuszko, Paige Blumer, & Monika Fejtek. (2020).
Description:This resource provides foundational knowledge for healthcare professionals related to the physiology of lactation.
HIST 396: North American Environmental History
Author(s): Tina Loo
Description:A UBC History course taught by Tina Loo that was part of the WikiMedia Foundation Canada Education Program, which is aimed at enlisting university faculty and students in the task of grounding Wikipedia articles in the existing scholarly literature. Reflections by the instructor available.
LAW423b: Video Game Law
Author(s): Jon Festinger
Description:The interactive entertainment and video game industries are governed by a variety of international and domestic laws dealing with intellectual property, communications, contracts, tort liability, obscenity, employment, defamation, and freedom of expression. The goal of this course is to continue scholarship in the area and the instructors are providing open access to course content, including lecture notes and slides, as well as open discussion on the course site.
Neuroanatomy at UBC
Author(s): Claudia Krebs; Monika Fejtek
Description:Neuroanatomy at UBC is a website that includes photographs, diagrams, illustrations, MRI scans, and 3D reconstructions of functionally important parts of the human brain. The website is maintained by Dr. Claudia Krebs, a senior instructor in the Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences at UBC. All original content on the Neuroanatomy at UBC website is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 license.
BCcampus OER Student Toolkit
Author(s): Daniel Munro, Jenna Omassi, Brady Yano
Description: This toolkit aims to provide information on how to successfully advocate for greater OER adoption on campus for any interested student societies/associations as well as individual students. It intends to serve primarily post-secondary students in Canada working to support open education, but we hope it will be useful to students from any country. Greater OER adoption results in a greater amount of student dollars saved, pedagogical benefits in the classroom, and benefits to society more broadly, and this toolkit both explains these benefits and provides some guidance on how students can help them to be achieved.
Open Case Studies
Author(s): Daniel Munro, Christina Hendricks, Kevin Doering, Will Engle, Rie Namba, Erin Fields, Deb Chen, Lucas Wright
Description: This project has brought together faculty and students from across departments and Faculties to co-create an interdisciplinary, open educational resource on sustainability and environmental ethics. The structure and open nature of this resource will allow faculty and students to contribute to and provide commentary on a collection of case studies through the lens of their respective academic disciplines. The resource has been developed using the UBC Wiki and will be continued to be built upon throughout the project.
Author(s): Tara Ivanochko, David Cassis, Jade Shiller, Benjamin Moore-Maley, Jongmun Kim, Sam Huang, Aden Sheikh, Gladys Oka
Description: Phyto’pedia is an online encyclopaedia of common phytoplankton from the coast of British Columbia, Canada. Inside, the reader will find an extensive database of high-resolution images indicating the characteristic features of a variety of genera and species paired with carefully written descriptions.
Toolkit for Teaching Communication Skills in Social Work
Author(s): Marie Nightbird, Kelly Allison
Description: This open toolkit includes five videos demonstrating basic communication skills and a teaching guide for instructors. The videos are a series of short vignettes of counselling sessions between a social worker and a client.
ENGL470D CanLit Wikipedia Edit-a-thon
Author(s):Kathryn Grafton
Description:UBC’s English 470D (Canadian Studies), focuses on the intersection of Canadian Literature and Web 2.0. In 2017, the course featured a Wikipedia Edit-a-thon in which students were asked to address the exigence of equitable representation in Wikipedia by contributing new or expanding existing articles about Canadian literature.
Mythoi Koinoi – An Open Access Anthology of Greek and Roman Myth
Author(s):Kate Minniti, Tara Mulder, Pippa Rogak, Luoyao Zhang
Description:Mythoi Koinoi: An Online, Open-Access Anthology of Greek and Roman Myth provides undergraduate university students with free, easy access to primary source texts and images for Greek and Roman mythology. Mythoi Koinoi means “Mythology for the People” in Ancient Greek, and it is intended to give everyone who engages with it access to the writings and artistic creations of the ancient Greeks and Romans.
Digging into Canadian Soils – An Introduction to Soil Science
Author(s): Canadian Society of Soil Science
Description: Written entirely by members of the Canadian Society of Soil Science, “Digging into Canadian Soils: An Introduction to Soil Science” provides an introduction to the core disciplines of soil science, and introduces the concepts and vocabulary needed by students just beginning their soil science journey.
CLP-4 Vector Calculus
Author(s): Joel Feldman, Andrew Rechnitzer, Elyse Yeager
Description: The CLP calculus textbooks and problem books were written for standard university Calculus 1, 2, 3, and 4 courses at the Department of Mathematics, UBC.This textbook covers Vector Calculus. There are chapters on curves, vector fields, surface integrals and integral theorems (such as the divergence theorem). It also includes an additional problem book that contains a curated collection of problems.
UnRoman Romans
Author(s): Siobhán McElduff
Description: UnRoman Romans is a reader on socially stigmatized groups in ancient Rome: actors athletes, dancers, sex workers, and sexual non-conformists. This reader was created as part of a class and uses student-scholars who contributed parts of the reader as a course assignment. It contains out of copyright and original translations of ancient texts, along with introductions, glossaries, images and other explanatory material.
The Laws of Settlement – 54 Laws Underlying Settlements Across Scale and Culture
Author(s): Erick Villagomez
Description: Laws of Settlement revives, updates and refreshes the ’54 Laws of Settlements’ outlined in Constantinos Apostolou Doxiadis’ seminal book Ekistics: An Introduction to the Science of Human Settlements, making them relevant to the problems we face in the 21st century.